
Tuesday, August 7, 2012


I searched out the word Long-Term on Thesaurus and it came back as Lasting, Long-standing, continuous, durable. so when something is Long-term it probably doesn't have an end or it will last so long the end is not in sight.

My friend's elder sister is in a long-term relationship, what does this mean? that she would be in a relationship all her life, never to get married or never to graduate to the next phase Marriage. considering that she has been in this relationship for quite a while now (16 years), and no other future seems to be in sight, I should say that her relationship is lasting, long-standing and durable. lol

In a movie I saw a longtime ago, it was a Long-term relationship that lasted eight (8) years and when it eventually ended both parties moved on and within six months both the man and lady were both married to other people. all to often we see people who dated for many years and then get married only and start having marital problems immediately. so i wonder, are some couples just meant to be long-term relationship couples? do they know from the start of the relationship that it would never amount to anything but long-term? if No at what point do you know that a relationship is just destined to be called long-term and not married. 

Maybe I am old school but ave always believed every girl is Cinderella and when she finds her prince, they get married not get into a long-term relationship. the distressing fact about Long-term relationship is that ladies suffer most from the breakup. in most parts of the country, a woman is considered an old maid if she is not married at a certain age, so by virtue of being past this age, her appeal is reduced and we all know the men of our time with being very persnickety.
My friend tells me that sometimes long-term relationships could results from both parties not being ready or the time not being right. REALLY! 16 years and the time aint right to step up? 
I speak for myself when I say Five (5) years with out a ring is a deal breaker for me.

whats your take on long-term relationships?

1 comment:

  1. In my opinion: there are no fast or slow lanes when it comes to rel8t'nships. Although being in a 16yr rel8t'nship that doesn't yeild anywhere isn't exactly a thing of joy.... an attempt to looking at d matter from an advantageous point shows; its far better of for one to be in one 16yr (long-term) rel8t'nship that yeilds nowhere than having been in 16 one year (short-term) rel8tionships that yeild either somewhere or nowhere (however the case). There's a famous adage that says "practice makes perfect". Now owing to the fact that exprienced hands in d department of marriage will always tell u d key ingredient is "patiennce", it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that anyone capable of handling a 16yr relationship definately has an unbelievably-huge reserve of "patience". Thus, my opinion.
