Friday, June 15, 2012

Be Happy

Happiness, the English dictionary defines as a feeling of pleasure, satisfaction and joy.
Happiness I define as a very important spice of life.
It is very easy to neglect one’s happiness in pursuit of other goals; I believe that one can only achieve maximum potential when truly happy. I hear lots of folks say “I produce better results under pressure” and my question is “for how long can you survive under such pressure” right after I ask them “why are you telling lies”

Happiness isn’t all about smiling and laughing, I see people laugh and smile all the time, yet deep within very depressed. This life we get to live only once, think about it, what would you remember about your life on your dying bed? All the times you travelled for business? Or the wonderful times you spent with your loved ones? although not everybody finds it easy in life, but nobody said IT is a feeling of comfort and luxury. I say “look in the right places and you would find happiness”

within you: everybody is different and so things that make us happy are different, you must look inside to search out things that make you happy, it doesn’t matter whether people approve or not, (as long as its legal, moral and doesn’t hurt people). Do not do stuff because other people do it and expect to be happy as they are, because what they do, they do for them, so you need to do for you.

Make friends with happy people: the more time spent with people, the more of   their habits, we unconsciously pick up

Make plans/ decisions that would make you happy: need I elaborate this point, no I need not

Find humour in situations: not every situation requires seriousness, sometimes just take a chill pill and have fun in the moment.

What makes you happy? Feel free to drop a comment.


Anonymous said...

Wooow...this is really deep and well placed...bookmarked it already...can I rebroadcast it?....or do I have to get my lawyer to see your laywer to sign some copyright tiiiins =))º°˚˚˚°ºнaĦaнaº°˚˚˚°º‎​=))

e4ma said...

you can rebroadcast, just remember to give credit

Unknown said...

i really like this post. good 1 e4ma. i really like :)

Anonymous said...

normally i would say being happy is have a really smile on ur face with no worries. but thanks e4ma

Unknown said...

lol u r ryt. but i will go with e4ma on this 1. sorry


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